Everything You Need to Know About Gas Ducted Heating Installation and Replacement Services

Winter is here, and keeping your home warm is an essential part of living comfortably during the chilly months. One of the most effective ways to keep your home warm is by using a reliable heating system. One popular option you might want to consider is gas ducted heating. In this article, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about gas ducted heating installation and replacement services.

What is Gas Ducted Heating?

Gas ducted heating is a system that heats your home using natural gas. The system works by drawing air from inside your home into ducts. The ducts then heat up the air and circulate it back to the various rooms in your home via vents. This type of heating is energy-efficient, cost-effective, and can easily be integrated with other home automation systems.

Who Can Install Gas Ducted Heating and Replacement Services?

Gas ducted heating installation and replacement services require a high level of expertise and experience. It’s important to choose a licensed and qualified professional who specialises in gas ducted heating installation and maintenance. Hiring a qualified professional will guarantee that your system installation will be done safely and properly, giving you peace of mind.

What to Consider When Choosing a Gas Ducted Heating System?

There are several things you need to consider when selecting a gas ducted heating system. These include your budget, the size of your home, the level of insulation, and the number of rooms you want to heat. Your installer should be able to advise you on the most cost-effective and efficient system that fits your requirements. You should also consider the brand’s warranty, as some brands offer extended warranties, meaning you have to worry less about maintenance and repairs.

How Long Does A Gas Ducted Heating System Last?

Gas ducted heating systems can last anywhere from 15 to 20 years, depending on how well it’s maintained. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning filters, checking connections, and testing for gas leaks, can help to prolong the life of your system. As your system reaches the end of its life cycle, you may start to experience performance issues, such as cold spots in your home. In such cases, it’s advisable to consider replacing your system, as it may be more cost-effective and energy-efficient in the long run.

How Much Does Installation and Replacement Cost?

The cost of gas ducted heating unit replacement in Melbourne can vary depending on factors such as the size of your home, the type of system, and the location. When choosing a system and installer, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re getting a fair price. It’s also crucial to note that the total cost of gas ducted heating goes beyond the initial installation. You’ll need to factor in the cost of maintenance, repairs, and energy consumption, so it’s crucial to choose a system that’s both energy-efficient and cost-effective in the long run.


Gas ducted heating is an energy-efficient and cost-effective way of heating your home. If you’re considering installing gas ducted heating, it’s crucial to hire a qualified professional and consider factors such as cost, quality, and warranty. Regular maintenance will also help prolong the life of your system, ensuring that your home is warm and comfortable for years to come. Remember, investing in a quality gas ducted heating system and installation is an investment in your comfort and well-being during the chilly months.